10 Tips for Submitting Better Bids
Construct Connect
Putting together a winning bid proposal, or even a competitive one, takes knowledge and skill. It’s a bit more complicated than just putting some numbers together and hoping for the best. Good bid preparation requires a lot of time and effort and involves everything from reading and fully understanding the plans and specifications to accurately estimating costs for labor, materials and equipment. Making even the smallest mistake can mean the difference between submitting a winning bid and missing out on a coveted and profitable project. We’ve put together our top 10 tips for submitting better bids.
- Select the Right Projects to Bid
- Visit the Site and Attend Prebid Meetings
- Seek Clarification
- Perform Accurate Takeoffs and Measurements
- Avoid Arithmetic Errors
- Evaluate Subcontractors & Subcontractor Pricing
- Identify and Manage Risks
- Labor Costs
- Materials and Equipment Costs
- Incomplete Bid Forms and Documents